CEO Birds Eye Iglo Group
Martin Glenn was appointed CEO of the Birds Eye Iglo Group in November 2006. Previously he was President of PepsiCo UK, one of the UK’s leading soft drinks and snack food manufacturers, where he is acclaimed for creating a new uplifting corporate image for the company. Martin was President of Walkers Snack Foods, whom he joined in 1992, working his way up from Director of New Product Development, Vice-President of Marketing to become Walkers President in 1998, and PepsiCo UK President in 2003.
“An average plan well executed beats a brilliant plan done poorly”
[expand title=”In detail”] Martin was awarded the Prince of Wales Ambassador Award in recognition of his work in this area. He was Marketing Week’s Chief Executive of the Year in 2003 and in July 2004 Martin was voted the UK’s most influential marketer by Marketing Magazine.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Martin offers audiences a wealth of insight into marketing and branding strategies and explains the importance of innovative marketing techniques and how to achieve that all important customer brand loyalty.[/expand]
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Leading Expert on Energy and Global Economics
Daniel Yergin is a highly respected authority on international politics, economics and energy. He is Chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates and Vice Chairman of the Global Decisions Group.
He is both a Pulitzer Prize winner and recipient of the 1997 United States Energy Award for “lifelong achievements in energy and the promotion of international understanding.”
“No one could ask for a better account of the world’s political and economic destiny since World War II.”
The Wall Street Journal
[expand title=”In detail”] Daniel has been named one of the 500 most influential people in the US in the field of foreign policy by the World Affairs Councils of America. He is a Trustee of the Brookings Institution, a Director of the US-Russia Business Council, and on the Advisory Board of the International Institute for Economics. He plays a leadership role in the global energy industry and is a member of the US Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board, The National Petroleum Council and the only foreign member of the Russian Academy of Oil and Gas.
In 2005 he was awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic of Italy for combining “an understanding of the dynamics of the market with a broad view of the forces of geopolitics as he seeks to point the way to the positive outcomes for the world community.”[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Daniel offers great insights into the current state of the world’s petroleum industry and its effects on the world economics. With a wealth of experience and an unparalleled depth of research into the world’s energy markets, he is highly sought-after by organisations eager to benefit from his considerable expertise[/expand]
[expand title=”How he presents”]Compelling and informative, his presentations capture the issues, while grounding them in his audiences’ context.[/expand]
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Professor of Management Practice, Global Authority on Achieving Strategic Agility
Donald N. Sull is a Professor of Management Practice in Strategic and International Management and Faculty Director of Executive Education at the London Business School where he designed, directs and teaches an intensive week-long “boot camp” to help senior executives thrive in turbulent markets. He has been identified as a guru by the Economist, which named his theory of active inertia as an idea that has shaped business management over the past century. His current research areas include how successful companies make and execute strategy in unpredictable markets, regulated technology-intensive industries (medical devices, telecommunications), and high-tech sectors (enterprise software, consumer electronics).
[expand title=”In detail”] Donald’s current research areas include how successful companies make and execute strategy in unpredictable markets, regulated technology-intensive industries (medical devices, telecommunications), and high-tech sectors (enterprise software, consumer electronics).[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]In his invaluable presentations Donald advises established and start-up companies on the most suitable business strategies and growing revenues while maintaining financial and operational discipline. In particular he demonstrates how to successfully operate in volatile industries and markets.[/expand]
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Leading Authority on Leadership
David Ulrich is a Professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan and a partner at the RBL Group a consulting firm focused on helping organizations and leaders deliver value. He studies how organizations build capabilities of leadership, speed, learning, accountability, and talent through leveraging human resources.
“Competitive success is a function of organizational excellence.”
David Ulrich has been ranked among the top 50 most influential
business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] David Ulrich is the Editor of Human Resource Management Journal, serves on the editorial board of 4 other journals, and participates in board and advisory work for consulting and professional firms. He has been listed by Business Week as one of the world’s ‘top ten educators’ in management and the top educator in ‘human resource issues’. [/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]His teaching and research addresses the question: how to create an organization that adds value to customers and investors? He studies how organizations change, build capabilities, learn, remove boundaries and leverage human resource activities. In 2009 and 2007 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.[/expand]
[expand title=”How he presents”]David Ulrich’s cutting-edge presentations provide an invaluable overview of the most promising developments in HR management. He is a thought provoking speaker with a wealth of experience.[/expand]
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Leading Authority on Organisational Behaviour
Jeffrey Pfeffer is one of the most recognized experts in the field of organizational management. He has taught executive seminars in 27 countries in addition to lecturing in management development programs and consulting for many companies, associations, and renowned universities such as Harvard Business School. He currently sits on the board of directors for five companies and is also a member of the visiting committee for the Harvard Business School as well as on the advisory board for MTW Corporation, a software and computer consulting company.
Each person is interesting and useful for learning about power, and many are and have been very effective, in their own way.”
Jeffrey Pfeffer has been ranked among the top 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behaviour in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, where he has taught since 1979 and obtained his PhD in Business Administration. He is a member and Fellow of the Academy of Management and a member of the Industrial Relations Research Association. He has won the Richard D. Irwin award for Scholarly Contributions to Management as well as several awards for books and articles.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Jeffrey skilfully blends the latest academic research with pragmatic organizational know-how. With his unique understanding of business dynamics he puts in place a foundation for rethinking corporate concepts.[/expand]
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Associate Professor at the Institute of International Business (IIB) at the Stockholm School of Economics and Innovation speaker
Amid the madness and hyperbole surrounding the new economy, Dr. Kjell A. Nordström is a guru of the new world of business. The 2005 Thinkers 50, the world’s first ranking of management thinkers, ranked Nordström and his partner Dr. Jonas Ridderstråle at number 9 in the world and number one in Europe. He is presently Associate Professor at the Institute of International Business (IIB) at the Stockholm School of Economics. His research and consulting focus is on the areas of corporate strategy, multinational corporations and globalization.
“Only imagination and innovation place societies, organisations and individuals on centre-stage”
Dr. Kjell Nordström has been ranked among the top 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] Kjell holds an Economic Licentiate degree and a doctoral degree from the Stockholm School of Economics. Kjell has been responsible for the International Business course at the Stockholm School of Economics and is one of the founders of the schools most prestigious management programs, “The Advanced Management Program – AMP”. AMP is a five-week top-management program that attracts the elite of Scandinavian executives. He is also on the board of directors of several companies.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Presenting a manifesto of what is required from organisations and their leaders, he delivers powerful and sharp messages to test your views of business. He challenges the validity of conventional approaches in today’s world, yet submits real and alternative strategies for sustainability.[/expand]
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Renowned Expert on Leadership and Best-selling Author
John P. Kotter, a world-renowned expert on leadership at the Harvard Business School, has been the premier voice on how the best organizations actually “do” change. His international bestseller ‘Leading Change’ — which outlined an actionable, 8-step process for implementing successful transformations — became the change bible for managers around the world.
In October 2001, Business Week magazine rated John Kotter the No.1 “leadership guru” in America

John Kotter has been ranked among the top 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] Prof. Kotter is a graduate of MIT and Harvard. He joined the Harvard Business School faculty in 1972. In 1980, at the age of thirty-three, he was voted tenure and a full professorship. His honours include an Exxon Award for Innovation in Graduate Business School Curriculum Design. In 1996, ‘Leading Change’ was named the No 1 management book of the year and in 1998, ‘Matsushita Leadership’ won the Financial Times Book Award for biography/autobiography. [/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Professor Kotter’s goal is to mobilize an audience to action, spurring them to re-examine their practices and provide more leadership in their spheres of activity. The process he uses is not the norm at business meetings. His method is both intellectual and emotional. It involves audience participation as well as one-way lecturing. In 2009 and 2007 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers[/expand]
[expand title=”How he presents”]In his presentations he uses humour, videotape, prepared slides, case studies and a little theatrical flourish. He presents to groups as small as ten and as large as many thousands. Audience members are quite often senior executives in their organisations but may also be middle managers, staff, or mixed groups. Regardless of the group size or make-up, audience feedback is consistently positive and enthusiastic.[/expand]
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Professor of Strategy of International Management
W Chan Kim is The Boston Consulting Group Bruce D. Henderson Chair Professor of Strategy and International Management at INSEAD, France. Prior to joining INSEAD, he was a professor at the University of Michigan Business School, USA. He has served as a board member as well as an advisor for a number of multinational corporations in Europe, the U.S. and Pacific Asia. He is an advisory member for the European Union. Kim is also a fellow of the World Economic Forum.
“So powerful is blue ocean strategy, in fact, that a blue ocean strategic move can create brand equity that lasts for decades” Harvard Business Review

W. Chan Kim has been ranked among the top 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] Kim and Reneé Mauborgne co-founded the Value Innovation Network, a global community of practice on the Value Innovation family of concepts that they created. VIN embraces academics, consultants, executives, and government officers. He is also a board member of the Value Innovation Action Tank established in March 2004 to bring Value Innovation to Singapore’s private, public and people sectors.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]In his presentations Kim elegantly summarizes his vision of the kind of expanding, competitor-free markets that innovative companies can navigate. He offers decision makers the necessary tools to reach untapped market space and the opportunity for highly profitable growth.[/expand]
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The World’s Most Profound Business Thinker
Gary Hamel’s reputation as a business thinker is unequalled, he is currently without doubt one of the world’s most influential and sought-after speakers. As the author of concepts such as “core competence,” “strategic intent,” “industry foresight,” and “industry revolution,” Professor Hamel has changed the focus and language of strategy in many of the world’s most successful companies. His innovative entrepreneurship model is the blueprint for all companies wishing to become outstanding .

“The world’s reigning strategy guru”
The Economist
Gary Hamel has been ranked among the top 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.
[expand title=”In detail”] Gary is the most reprinted author in the history of the Harvard Business Review. “The World Bank’s Innovation Market” is Hamel’s latest HBR article. Other articles include “Innovation Now”, and “Why It’s time to take a risk”. In the last three years he has also authored three cover stories for Fortune. He is on the board of the Strategic Management Society and he is a fellow of the World Economic Forum.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]In his work with world leading companies such as Shell, Nokia, CGU, Ford and others, Gary Hamel will demonstrate how to create rule-breaking strategies that will demonstrate how to create billions of dollars in new wealth.[/expand]
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World Renowned Thought Leader in Human Resources and Leadership Development
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful leaders get even better – by achieving positive, lasting change in behaviour: for themselves, their people and their teams. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources – America’s top HR honour. Dr. Goldsmith is co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners, a network of top-level executive coaches and he served as a member of the Board of the Peter Drucker Foundation for ten years.

“The American Management Association named Dr. Goldsmith as one of 50 great thinkers and leaders who have influenced the field of management over the past 80 years. In 2009 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.“
[expand title=”In detail”] Dr. Goldsmith’s Ph.D. is from UCLA. He teaches executive education at Dartmouth’s Tuck School and frequently speaks at leading business schools. His work has been recognized by almost every professional organization in his field. In 2006 Alliant International University honoured Marshall by naming their schools of business and organizational studies – the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management.[/expand]
[expand title=”What he offers you”]Marshall is one of a select few advisors who have been asked to work with over 80 major CEO’s and their management teams. He consistently delivers top-rated keynotes, seminars and workshops and is renowned across the globe as one of the most influential and successful human resources and leadership development specialists.[/expand]
[expand title=”How he presents”]Tailoring each presentation to perfectly match client’s needs, Marshall Goldsmith’s brilliantly delivered keynotes are filled with a wealth of useful actionable information which is invaluable to organisations worldwide.[/expand]
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