The Leading Speakers Bureau » Donald Sull

May 22 2009

Donald Sull

Published by at 6:30 am under Business Development,China and Asia,Management

Professor of Management Practice, Global Authority on Achieving Strategic Agility

Donald Sull speakerDonald N. Sull is a Professor of Management Practice in Strategic and International Management and Faculty Director of Executive Education at the London Business School where he designed, directs and teaches an intensive week-long “boot camp” to help senior executives thrive in turbulent markets. He has been identified as a guru by the Economist, which named his theory of active inertia as an idea that has shaped business management over the past century. His current research areas include how successful companies make and execute strategy in unpredictable markets, regulated technology-intensive industries (medical devices, telecommunications), and high-tech sectors (enterprise software, consumer electronics).

[expand title=”In detail”]
Donald’s current research areas include how successful companies make and execute strategy in unpredictable markets, regulated technology-intensive industries (medical devices, telecommunications), and high-tech sectors (enterprise software, consumer electronics).[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
In his invaluable presentations Donald advises established and start-up companies on the most suitable business strategies and growing revenues while maintaining financial and operational discipline. In particular he demonstrates how to successfully operate in volatile industries and markets.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Donald Sull


Seizing the Upside of a Downturn

Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Remake Them

Emerging Markets (China, India and Brazil)

Best Management Practices in Volatile Markets


The Upside of Turbulence

Made in China: What Western Managers Can Learn from China’s Path-Breaking Entrepreneurs (with Y Wang)

Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Remake Them (revised paperback version)

Disciplined Entrepreneurship

Revival of the Fittest: Why Good Companies Go Bad and How Great Managers Remake Them

Strategy as Simple Rules (with K Eisenhardt)

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