The Leading Speakers Bureau » Julian Caldecott

Sep 30 2009

Julian Caldecott

Published by at 6:30 am under Sustainability and Climate change

Ecologist, Conservationist, Environment and Climate Change Expert, and Writer

Julian Caldecott speakerJulian Caldecott has spent more than 20 years promoting biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability around the world. Major themes in his work include integrating development and conservation, promoting sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity and ecosystems, and exploring ways to finance conservation sustainably. In recent months, he has assessed a five-year EC project on coastal ecosystem conservation in Thailand, and has been writing and editing books for UNEP.

“An ecologist on a mission”

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In 2003, Julian led a division at the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre, responsible for global assessment of ecosystem status and threats, and the valuation of ecosystem services. In 2005, he joined the UNEP Asian Tsunami Disaster Task Force to help assess the impacts of the Great Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and to improve environmental security by restoring various coastal ecosystems. In 2006 he was Senior Technical Adviser at the UNEP with special responsibility for environmental restoration in the Indian Ocean region. He has taught seminars and examined graduate dissertations at several universities including Cambridge, Hawaii, Kiel, Dalhousie, Australian National and Sydney.[/expand]

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Julian is a scientifically-trained independent practitioner of sustainable development, with special interest and experience in biodiversity, ecosystems, environmental services and participatory and community-based management of natural resources. He believes passionately that through education, consultation and action, we can all help to reduce the damage that we are doing to the biosphere – the thin skin of life on Earth. His aim is to make the workings of the biosphere clear to all, so that we can understand how and why to start living on the Earth as if we intended to stay.[/expand]


Integrating Development and Conservation

Promoting Sustainable and Equitable Use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Exploring Ways to Finance Conservation Sustainably

Global Assessment of Ecosystem Status and Threats

The Current Worldwide Mass Extinction of Wild Species

Implications of Climate Change for Ecosystems

The Escalation in Environmental and Weather-related Disaster Risk

Environmental Issues – Building and Maintaining Trust in Business


Water: Life in Every Drop

World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation

Designing Conservation Projects

Hunting and Wildlife Management in Sarawak

He has also prepared ‘Green Breakthroughs’ (UNEP, 2008), which explores environmental success stories in 45 countries, including ones on renewable energy, waste management, fishery certification, ecosystem restoration, and climate change adaptation.

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