The Leading Speakers Bureau » Prof. Göran Roos

Apr 18 2011

Prof. Göran Roos

Published by at 6:30 am under Innovation and Creativity,Management

Prof. Recognised World Expert in Integrated Innovation Management

Göran Roos speakerProf. Göran Roos is one of the founders of modern intellectual capital science and a recognised world expert in this field. He is also the originator of thinking around integrated innovation management i.e. technology and design based innovation to create value and business model innovation to appropriate value. He has made substantial contributions to the thinking around strategy as well as industrial policy.

“Expert in Integrated Innovation Management”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Göran Roos is Chairman of VTT International, Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School in the UK, Visiting Professor of Intangible Asset Management and Performance Measurement at the Centre for Business Performance at Cranfield University and Senior Advisor, Asia Pacific at Aalto Executive Education Academy. He has worked as a consultant in 50 countries and has served in management positions in several European and US-based corporations and presently sits on several corporate advisory boards in addition to being appointed as Thinker in Residence in South Australia on the topic of Modern Manufacturing.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]

A major contributor to the thinking and practice in the areas of strategy and integrated innovation management as well as industrial and innovation policy, Göran Roos’ principal interests lie in helping clients extracting more value from their intangible assets. He offers insights from his experiences having worked extensively with intellectual capital, innovation and strategy issues worldwide.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Göran Roos is a knowledgeable, eloquent and captivating orator, in great demand at prestigious events throughout the world.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Prof. Göran Roos



Intangible Asset Management

Intellectual Capital

Integrated Innovation Management


Business Performance

Measuring the Return on Social Investment

Industrial and Innovation Policy



He is the author and co-author of numerous books and articles on Intellectual Capital, Innovation Management and Strategy many of which have been recognised with awards

2002, 2004, 2005 & 2007
Authored or co-authored papers that were named as the Literati Club Awards for Excellence Outstanding or Highly Commended papers

Awards & Recognition

Named one of the 13 most influential thinkers for the 21st Century by the Spanish business journal Direccion y Progreso and appointed Thinker in Residence by the South Australian Premier for the period commencing 2011

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