The Leading Speakers Bureau » Avi Rubin

Dec 25 2015

Avi Rubin

Published by at 6:30 am under Digital technology speakers

Computer Security Expert

Avi RubinAvi Rubin is an internationally renowned expert on information security. He is professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University and Technical Director of the JHU Information Security Institute. His primary research area is computer security and the security of electronic medical records. In addition, he is the Director of the Health and Medical Security Lab at Johns Hopkins and also founded Harbor Labs, a company that provides technical expertise and testimony in high tech litigation.

“A leading voice on computer and information security”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Prior to joining the faculty at Johns Hopkins, Avi worked in the Secure Systems Research Department at AT&T Labs Research. His work included the areas of cryptography, network security, Web security and secure Internet services. He has authored several books related to electronic security. Avi is a member of several advisory boards and the recipient of numerous national and international awards and recognitions. Avi received a B.S., M.S.E. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Avi’s remarks on technological and network security issues are of great interest for decision makers from all businesses. [/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Thought provoking and inspiring and with a captivating and humorous style, Ari Rubin’s presentations are well received at prestigious conferences around the globe. [/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Avi Rubin



Computer and Information Security


Security Vulnerabilities, Threats and Attacks in the Real World

Securing Information Technology in Healthcare

Privacy in Computing

How Security Issues Impact Real Systems


Brave New Ballot

Communications Policy and Information Technology: Promises, Problems, Prospects
(Lorrie Faith Cranor and Shane Mitchell Greenstein)

Trust in Distributed Systems (with Marc Waldman and Lorrie Faith Cranor)

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