The Leading Speakers Bureau » Thierry Malleret

Dec 01 2008

Thierry Malleret

Published by at 6:30 am under Business Development,Management

Head of Research and Networks at IJ Partners & Former Head of Global Risk – World Economic Forum

Thierry Malleret is an economics and strategy expert. He is a senior partner at IJ Partners, an investment company founded for entrepreneurs and families. Until 2009, he was managing partner at Rainbow Insight, an advisory boutique which he founded, providing tailor-made intelligence to investors. Previously Thierry headed the Global Risk Network at the World Economic Forum, a network that brings together top opinion and policymakers.

“A highly respected Head of the Global Risk Network of the World Economic Forum”

[expand title=”In detail”]
For a number of years in succession, Thierry has conceived and put in place the programme for Davos and spoken at global, industry and regional events. His previous experience was in investment banking, as a Chief Economist and Strategist of a major Russian investment bank, think tanks and academia, both in New York and Oxford and in government, with a three-year spell in the Prime Minister’s office in Paris. He has appeared on numerous network television programs, including CNN and CNBC.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
He demonstrates how strategies can be developed to seize opportunities from risks and to uphold sustainability. He also is an accomplished speaker whose addresses have covered a wide range of economical subjects.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
In an easy and relaxed way, he conveys complex issues with great transparency.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Thierry Malleret



Macro Trends

Global Risks and Risk Management

Russia and Eastern Europe Economies

World Economics and Globalisation

Geopolitical Context


Forthcoming September 2012
Disequilibrium: A World Out Of Kilter

Global Risk – Business Success in Turbulent Times, (business book published in English, and French (2007), to be published in Russian (2008) and Indonesian (2009))
Crimes sans Châtiments (thriller, translated into Russian “Okhota na Presidenta”)
La Roulette russe (thriller)
Alerte aux Fous de Dieux (thriller)
Le Montage Caucasien (thriller)
Conversion of the Defense Industry in the Former Soviet Union, Occasional Paper Series n. 23, Institute for East-West Security Studies, New York and Prague
L’armée rouge face à la perestroika. Le système militaire soviétique à l’heure de Gorbatchev, Paris et Bruxelles

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