Sep 12 2008
Larry Huston
Thought Leader of Open Innovation
As former Vice President of Innovation for Procter & Gamble, Larry Huston was responsible for the company’s global Connect and Develop program where he successfully met his objective of insourcing 50% of the company’s innovation from outside of P&G.
Larry Huston is a leading practitioner of connected innovation and is now managing partner of strategy consultancy 4INNO.
“Asking new questions is the key to truly successful innovation”
Larry is recognised globally for his radical business innovation model, ‘Connect and Develop’ which turbocharged more than 250 Procter and Gamble products into the marketplace, generated billions of sales and increased the P&G’s figure of insourced innovation from 15% in 2000 to a remarkable 50% today[/expand]
Larry informs his audiences about his highly effective Connect and Develop business innovation model and he shares his invaluable insights on how to successfully revamp product innovation strategies and concept development. His extensive experience and sound advice are hugely beneficial to businesses and organisations worldwide.[/expand]
Watch a video presentation of Larry Huston
Global Innovation Strategies
Global Brand Development
Leadership and Innovation
Creating Growth Platforms
The Procter and Gamble Story
Creating Value for Consumers
Creating Global Innovation Infrastructures
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