The Leading Speakers Bureau » Patty Maes

Jun 21 2010

Patty Maes

Published by at 6:30 am under Media,Women Speakers

Assistant Professor – Media Speaker at the Media Laboratory

Patty Maes speakerPatty Maes is an Associate Professor at MIT’s Media Laboratory, where she founded and directs the Autonomous Agents Group. She currently holds the Sony Corporation Career Development Chair. Previously, she was a visiting Professor and a Research Scientist at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Pattie Maes received her Ph. D. in Computer Science at the University of Brussels.

Global Leader for Tomorrow” World Economic Forum 2000

[expand title=”In detail”]
Patty is also particularly interested in building autonomous agents that interact with people. She is one of the project leaders for the ALIVE project (Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment). This project allows a user to interact in real-time with 3D animated autonomous characters.[/expand]

[expand title=”What she offers you”]
Patty offers audiences an global perspective of her ground breaking research aimed at businesses wishing to compete successfully in the 21st century economy.[/expand]

[expand title=”How she presents”]
An affable and charismatic personality, the soft spoken Belgian is highly sought after by clients keen to hear her fact packed and innovative presentations.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Patty Maes


Artificial Intelligence

Human Computer Interaction

Information Filtering

Intelligent Agents


Artificial Life IV: Proceeding of the Fourth International Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (with R. Books)

Designing Autonomous Agents: Theory and Practice from Biology to Engineering and Back

Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection

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