Jul 23 2012
Top Women keynote speakers
1. Sigourney Weaver

2. Jenny Shipley

3. Dambisa Moyo

4. Gro Harlem Brundtland

5. Christina Vlahova
Christina Vlahova is a Strategic Marketing and Media consultant and a Global and Marketing entrepreneur, networking her business between India, Eastern Europe and Italy. She is the owner of Intellecta Srl – Strategic Marketing and Media consultancy.
6. Sahar Hashemi
Sahar Hashemi is one of the UK’s most inspirational female entrepreneurs and a powerful speaker on innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in corporations sharing with the audience her captivating personal stories of building two famous brands; Coffee Republic, UK’s first coffee bar chain
7. Cathy O’Dowd
Cathy O’Dowd is a winning explorer and raconteur. Not one to submit to adversity, she reached Everest’s peak from the south, despite facing the worst storm in the mountain’s history.
8. Judith Leary Joyce
Judith Leary-Joyce is a best-selling author and a regular presenter at conferences on the subjects of Great Company Culture, Employer of Choice; Inspirational Managers and the Psychology of Success.
9. Kirsty Duncan
Dr. Kirsty Duncan is internationally recognized as a leading expert in the area of pandemic influenza, environmental change, and the impact on human health. In 2008, Dr. Duncan was formally recognized as one of the Nobel Prize winning Canadians on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
10. Bisila Bokoko
Bisila Bokoko is a pioneering and truly inspirational business leader. Founder of BBES, a boutique business development firm, she serves a wide range of markets and industries with particular focus on gastronomy, fashion, lifestyle, arts and culture.
And you can find the most requested speakers by topic here: