Aug 25 2017
Fabian Westerheide
Entrepreneur and investor for Artificial Intelligence
Fabian Westerheide delivers inspiring and passionate key-note speeches on the world of Artificial Intelligence. As an en-trepreneur of the digital industry, author and investor, Fabian Westerheide is involved in over 40 companies. Furthermore, he is the organizer of the biggest Conference of Artificial Intelli-gence “Rise of AI”, coordinator for Artificial Intelligence at the Federal Association of German Start-Ups (Bundesverband deutscher Start-Ups) and Ex-pert for Artificial Intelligence for the Bundestag.
“AI may be the ultimate invention of humanity”
In addition to several TEDx lec-tures and presentations at in-ternational technology confe-rences, Fabian Westerheide regularly talks about the status, the development and the future with Artificial Intelligence for companies like Daimler, Micro-soft, Audi, Commerzbank, Tele-kom; Parties and foundations. Artificial Intelligence offers op-portunities and challenges for companies, education, politics and society. It affects us all and needs to be understood and discussed in time.[/expand]
Fabian understands why Artificial Intelligence becomes (again) re-levant today. He defines AI and gives a comprehensive overview of the current state of technology. Afterwards, Fabian Westerheide discusses further questions, be-fore he finally gives an outlook on trends and developments of artifi-cial intelligence.[/expand]
Fabian speaks thrilling and em-bodies the seriousness of a per-son whose daily work consists of artificial intelligence at the same time. He sets a high pace, ex-plains also complex contexts in a comprehensive way and encou-rages his listeners to reflect and think about AI as it is about to be-come more and more an element of our daily (work) life.[/expand]
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